Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Cliche Encounter: Comic

I just recently finished my comic that i was assigned by my art teacher. Below is the finished product.

This comic may be considered as a parody to all of those who find the redundant story of Romeo and Juliet a headache. If you’ll notice, some of the attendances at the ball are from very famous movies or photos. You have The Titanic, My Fair Lady, Katherine Hepburn, and The Kiss.  Or, it can be just another one of those comics about boy meets girl. Post your comments below.

Monday, April 2, 2012

A World Without Advertising

A World without Advertising

A World without Advertising
By: Baylee Rae Mann
(Photographs provided by Google)
(Photographer Unknown)
Advertising, oh yes we all know what the word means because we all know how it affects us. Though some choose to abandon the fact that it is boring at your mind slowly we all know the truth. You wouldn’t have that iPhone if not for advertisement. You probably wouldn’t have that underwear sold by a band of fruit. Or perhaps you have purchased jeans because the advertising wasn’t on the television or hanging on any wall, but because you noticed that back pocket stitching on a pair and realized a lot of people were wearing the same jeans from the same seller.
(Photographer Unknown)

Now I propose a dilemma, a dilemma for all sellers, for all buyers, for the world already falling economy. A world with no advertising would be a world with no perception. A world of black and white. Models would be out of business. People would be bored at the mall not seeing the difference between stores and therefore not being drawn to any particular place to purchase things. 

Isn’t that the key to marketing? The goal is to target a certain group? To show the better more intensified you in a shirt you would wear if you could just get to the store to buy it. To show you taking it easy in front of that new television as a better more relaxed you. Oh, and you know you need that one phone that is basically a mini computer but without buttons.(in  my personal opinion, the most revolutionary thing we will have towards getting rid of plastic waste will be the revolution of touch screen.) we remain  transfixed by what we could have instead of what we already possess. Advertising feed off of that. Try to think for a minute what the world would be like without even the simplest bit of advertisement. No posters. Just take those away and you are berated with a movie that no one will see because they don’t know that it has even been made.  The television show you love so much right now, you never would have known existed if it were not for commercials. No commercials.
(Graphic Designer Unknown)

Many would love the thought of no interruptions during their television programs. Oh, but if you evaluate that you’ll find that those televisions programs would be fairly unknown without commercials promoting them. So, therefore you can conclude that people are completely in need of advertising or the economy itself would plummet considerably.

Though…..let’s think a moment of how many companies or aps or movies travel just by word of mouth anyhow. They are still circulated throughout the world with, “Hey man did you see that new AP. Its way awesome………”

So to conclude and allow you to disperse from reading anymore jargon, the main point is this. Ads have their ad sides and good, though really, we would all be lost and live in a flavorless world without it. Besides, we could never escape advertising. Even if naked we would still be walking advertisements. Persuading everyone its ok to be nude. We are advertisements. No running from it. No world without it. Even Mars.