Friday, November 16, 2012

Book making

I have recently been diving into the book arts. It's incredibly amazing and creative. Many more books to come I have yet to finish. Very exciting and relaxing. I love this form of art very much.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Collage self portraits.

Use of photoshop.

Mermaid sketch.


I haw found that braiding hair is a fun and extremely useful form of artistic expression so I have been polishing my skill.


Quick painting.

Figure drawing sketch.

Portrait. Figure drawing.


Sketch of me with some friends Brennan and David. Good times:-)

Society: Your Crazy Breed

A definition of a person is never accurate. Not whenever it is given to you instead of you inferring about your own self. Society for centuries has determined how a certain person of a certain race or ethnic background should behave, appear, or speak. What role does society have on people as they try to determine who they are as a singular without inviting the plural to stay and dictate. Most of us in this world concern ourselves with originality. We strive to be ourselves without realizing its nearly impossible. What threat does society play in our development? In the clothing we wear and the foods we eat where do we find the line that determines what are actually us individually?

Not only is our stand for our style a showcase of who we are, also our manner and the way we view our station in life. Should the idea of a convenience store clerk be any less valuable than that of a high dollar banker? Do you trust ton e over the other based on their job or the idea they presented? Everyone is viewed based on their role in this world. People strive for the job that suits them for life because they know that it becomes a part of how they are viewed in this society. Everyone accepts the fact that your friends are the ones that love you for your personality, and the people who matter in society love and use you for your mind and the paper your hand holds.

Also, you come upon the issue of being surrounded by others. The social convention of this world stifles many and places them on the board with the crazies. "To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment." ― Ralph Waldo Emerson. These people who do not conform are remembered for who they were and not what the era was. For example, I disdain to wear shoes most places. I wear ten anyhow do to sanitary reasons and social convention. However, what keeps them on my feet even when the cleanness of the area is not an issue is social convention. Its knowing how you would be thought of without shoes on. What is expected? We train people to expect certain things from us. I have found that I have trained my friends and those who see me most often to expect me to do the unexpected and wear certain clothing they wouldn't dare. "I try my best to be myself in public, but you cant be yourself completely because of the very fact that your in public." - John Lennon

The issue of society protruding into our lives is very evident. No one would live where they do or even act how they act in a different society. If everyone around you rides bikes, and you're the only one who runs, then you are labeled 'the runner.' This is not uncommon, and the title you are given determines what part your being you want to show the world more often depending on what they like best. I for example am 'the artist'; however, I do love to sing. The only difference is that I do not receive as much acceptance for my singing as I do my art and therefore I embraced my art much more readily as a means of knowing that society was most comfortable with seeing that part of me and I therefore more comfortable with showing it. What is accepted even in the littlest senses by society is what is chosen to show most often. Many times books incite people to read it just due to hype. "If you only read the books that everyone else is reading, you can only think what everyone else is thinking." ― Haruki Murakami, Norwegian Wood. "Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect." ― Mark Twain

Monday, August 27, 2012

So I Was Just Thinkin'

FOR THOSE EASILY OFFENDED :if your easily offended chances are you easily offend others  routinely.

“I like nonsense, it wakes up the brain cells. Fantasy is anecessary ingredient in living.”-Doctor Sues. My imagination  happens to extend to the idea that everyoneon  earth can serve their purpose to eachother. However, who is it that decides how happy you become in reference tothese people  we call our neighbors, oursisters, our  brothers, our family? Peoplein my opinion pose a coy problem within my soul. They  are always interrupting  my thoughts. These humans  never quite can ascertain the meaning of justsimple disappearing for a certain amount of time. The idea  that we,  and therefore  I, can never be fully alone,  makes my  heart heavy in despair. 

Collage self portrait  (unfinished,  soon to  be)
Sure you could  assumeto  yourself that I am a simple case ofantisocialism. However, I find it more lays within the reaches of my inabilityto need to presence of  others anylonger. I do  understand the benefit ofhuman contact. However  there is  so little space left on earth for any one person to  be guaranteed not to collidewith another  human being. Therefore I feel  as though a solid few months or so to rejuvenate the soul, to be free from socialconvention, the eyes of  spectators towhich most likely do  not care  nor have opinions  yet whose opinionswe invent and play within our heads constantly and therefore judge our actionsunto ourselves  within those parameterswe  can feel come from  society and those who reside in it itself.

Would you  not agreethis statements relevance to such a topic as I  have so candidlypresented? “Even in literature and art, no man who bothers about originalitywill ever be original: whereas if you simply try to tell the truth (withoutcaring two pence how often it has been told before) you will, nine times out often, become original without ever having noticed it.” ― C.S. Lewis, MereChristianity. Quite  certainly we see howthe  ideas we are surrounded withand  the thrusts of  the world press and congeal our minds  to substitute our  own freedom. Our world  and such the people  within it, reside inside a plastic bottle towhich  the inside label tells us willonly  allow slight bursts of fresh airto  ignite within our  lungs. How so? Well they give us paint brushes to paint the scenery towhich  we never truly experience butsimply document to  turn into knowledgeand not a memory. They gave us music to avoid the singing of the birds, theflowing of the brooks, the harmony of the melody the wispy wind provides. For wasn’tthat just the annoyance? They provided dance, on hard floors, with specialshoes and  sparkles and stiff  poignant skirts with rigid lines; this to replace the rehearsals with the grassyfloors.

Our feet once  upon atime could play notes into the  earth’ssurface, dance with the  wind, and feelthe  scenery  before we saw it.

People. They evolve into things greater. They become better. More  advanced. However, simply only if yourdefinition of advancement is  replacingone good thing for another of similar and slightly ostentatious  qualities with  increased marketability.  For you cannot  market the music  of your backyard  now can you?  Simplicity  has vanished. The earth, the trees, the flowers,the  birds see no need in improvement andadvancement.” Nature does not hurry yet everything is  accomplished..”(-Unknown) Simplicity isreplaced with dissatisfaction. Who’s to blame? People.

Just  get rid of thepeople who  think shoes are a must.  Who believe that the  sky is just up.  And who will take a  photo  of a beautiful thing before they see it. Thosewho regard peripheral vision as just what your eyes leak to you as you pivotyour head.  Those people who agreeit  is logical to build  one house upon another, simply because theone underneath was not sufficient to such standards they did not decideregardless. Get rid of those people.  Placeme on an island somewhere with nothing but a good book to  read over and overagain  until the words sing themselves throughthe trees I walk next to and voice new stories from the branches I form withinmy dreams;  then I’ll be happy. Then my ssoul may feel alive once more  as itwas  before I left the womb. People,people are the problem. Now  one person…just  one. Now that’s simple.


Saturday, August 18, 2012

We Need A New Color

We Need a New Color
Written By: Baylee Rae Mann

Color shows the intensity on
her face we find in her eyes
(Photograher Unknown)
An imagination is one of rapid and increasing possibilities. An artist’s imagination is never satisfied. I, an artist have an imagination never satisfied and often bored by color. Not due to the fact that it lacks impact, I love color though with the right lines you can create a picture with intense color with nothing but a stroke of black India ink. Color with shape, shape with emotion, emotion then art. Some artist use color to show their emotion while others use strokes to bring to life and object whether living of still. Though, we all know just how easy it commences a body to be alive yet immobile.
There are only so many colors to choose from. While they are a wide variety they seem lonely. We have been using the same basic colors for over 1,000 years and though we reinterpret them and add hues of yellow or green to change their intensities we overuse them. You are able to view a color and tell exactly what era it was produced in. A mint green on a car is associated with the 50’s. The hue matches the time. Though, I find I have run out of colors to be amazed of. “All you need is love.” “All this world needs is a little love.” Well, I am of full conviction that this entire world, though beautiful, could use new primary color.
The lines convey
the mood without
needing to show us detailes.
(Unknown Artist)

Just think what we could do with it? Ok, did you think about it for a while? Alright so here is what is so immaculate about another primary color. (1)It’s primary. This means that at least 3 new colours could be made with it and hues more than we can count of each of those.(2) clothing. Fashion designers would go completely insane with new ideas and color pallets to work from. Each color has a mood or aroma to it. You base this off of your design or vice versa. A new color with a new mood could allow for anything we can think of for another 1,000 years with nothing to bore us. Perhaps style wouldn’t be recycled as much if this were so. Sort of like the moment they discovered we could wear the colors on a parrot instead of only the ones on the sheep we just sheered.(3) my most favorite thing in the world would be able to convey new ideas and feeling just as clothing designers fetched their ideas from this color. To be able to feel on paper that one emotion you just couldn’t write or show on paper in any form useful. A new color is a new highway of expression.

Black and white is so popular
becuase it forces the veiwer to
focus on the emotion of
the subject and not
be distracted b
the emotion of the color.
(Photogrpher Unknown)
Contour lines provide movement
and sow vibrations of feeling.
(Photographer Unknown)
This world needs a new color. A breath of whipping air, feet dipped in soil and not sand, and hearts made from another color besides red. Though, red is my favorite color, a color of passion, it does not hold every feeling the heart possesses. I ask you, if the heart is red and blue, than what color is it in our chests as it beats. What is the color that rushes through our veins and fills our lips with lust and our fingertips with movement and creation? Not two of the most well distributed colors on earth. No, it is the color we have not found yet on a random insect to be found in 100 years by a scientist on an island someplace. Whenever the colors were being created, I believe we received almost all of the ones we needed. Though there is one to represent one emotion we haven’t found yet. Maybe never will.

This World While Beautiful, Needs a New Color

Thursday, April 19, 2012

The Cliche Encounter: Comic

I just recently finished my comic that i was assigned by my art teacher. Below is the finished product.

This comic may be considered as a parody to all of those who find the redundant story of Romeo and Juliet a headache. If you’ll notice, some of the attendances at the ball are from very famous movies or photos. You have The Titanic, My Fair Lady, Katherine Hepburn, and The Kiss.  Or, it can be just another one of those comics about boy meets girl. Post your comments below.

Monday, April 2, 2012

A World Without Advertising

A World without Advertising

A World without Advertising
By: Baylee Rae Mann
(Photographs provided by Google)
(Photographer Unknown)
Advertising, oh yes we all know what the word means because we all know how it affects us. Though some choose to abandon the fact that it is boring at your mind slowly we all know the truth. You wouldn’t have that iPhone if not for advertisement. You probably wouldn’t have that underwear sold by a band of fruit. Or perhaps you have purchased jeans because the advertising wasn’t on the television or hanging on any wall, but because you noticed that back pocket stitching on a pair and realized a lot of people were wearing the same jeans from the same seller.
(Photographer Unknown)

Now I propose a dilemma, a dilemma for all sellers, for all buyers, for the world already falling economy. A world with no advertising would be a world with no perception. A world of black and white. Models would be out of business. People would be bored at the mall not seeing the difference between stores and therefore not being drawn to any particular place to purchase things. 

Isn’t that the key to marketing? The goal is to target a certain group? To show the better more intensified you in a shirt you would wear if you could just get to the store to buy it. To show you taking it easy in front of that new television as a better more relaxed you. Oh, and you know you need that one phone that is basically a mini computer but without buttons.(in  my personal opinion, the most revolutionary thing we will have towards getting rid of plastic waste will be the revolution of touch screen.) we remain  transfixed by what we could have instead of what we already possess. Advertising feed off of that. Try to think for a minute what the world would be like without even the simplest bit of advertisement. No posters. Just take those away and you are berated with a movie that no one will see because they don’t know that it has even been made.  The television show you love so much right now, you never would have known existed if it were not for commercials. No commercials.
(Graphic Designer Unknown)

Many would love the thought of no interruptions during their television programs. Oh, but if you evaluate that you’ll find that those televisions programs would be fairly unknown without commercials promoting them. So, therefore you can conclude that people are completely in need of advertising or the economy itself would plummet considerably.

Though…..let’s think a moment of how many companies or aps or movies travel just by word of mouth anyhow. They are still circulated throughout the world with, “Hey man did you see that new AP. Its way awesome………”

So to conclude and allow you to disperse from reading anymore jargon, the main point is this. Ads have their ad sides and good, though really, we would all be lost and live in a flavorless world without it. Besides, we could never escape advertising. Even if naked we would still be walking advertisements. Persuading everyone its ok to be nude. We are advertisements. No running from it. No world without it. Even Mars.

Friday, March 23, 2012

We Need A New Color

We Need a New Color
Written By: Baylee Rae  Mann

Color shows the intensity on
her face we find in her eyes
(Photograher Unknown)
An imagination is one of rapid and increasing possibilities. An artist’s imagination is never satisfied. I, an artist have an imagination never satisfied and often bored by color. Not due to the fact that it lacks impact, I love color though with the right lines you can create a picture with intense color with nothing but a stroke of black India ink. Color with shape, shape with emotion, emotion then art. Some artist use color to show their emotion while others use strokes to bring to life and object whether living of still. Though, we all know just how easy it commences a body to be alive yet immobile.
There are only so many colors to choose from. While they are a wide variety they seem lonely. We have been using the same basic colors for over 1,000 years and though we reinterpret them and add hues of yellow or green to change their intensities we overuse them. You are able to view a color and tell exactly what era it was produced in. A mint green on a car is associated with the 50’s. The hue matches the time. Though, I find I have run out of colors to be amazed of. “All you need is love.” “All this world needs is a little love.”  Well, I am of full conviction that this entire world, though beautiful, could use new primary color.
The lines convey
 the mood without
needing to show us detailes.
(Unknown Artist)

Just think what we could do with it?  Ok, did you think about it for a while? Alright so here is what is so immaculate about another primary color. (1)It’s primary. This means that at least 3 new colours could be made with it and hues more than we can count of each of those.(2) clothing. Fashion designers would go completely insane with new ideas and color pallets to work from. Each color has a mood or aroma to it. You base this off of your design or vice versa. A new color with a new mood could allow for anything we can think of for another 1,000 years with nothing to bore us. Perhaps style wouldn’t be recycled as much if this were so. Sort of like the moment they discovered we could wear the colors on a parrot instead of only the ones on the sheep we just sheered.(3)  my most favorite thing in the world would be able to convey new ideas and feeling just as clothing designers fetched their ideas from this color. To be able to feel on paper that one emotion you just couldn’t write or show on paper in any form useful. A new color is a new highway of expression.

 Black and white is so popular
becuase it forces the veiwer to
 focus on the emotion of
the subject and not
 be distracted b
the emotion of the color.
(Photogrpher Unknown)
Contour lines provide movement
and sow vibrations of feeling.
(Photographer Unknown)
This world needs a new color. A breath of whipping air, feet dipped in soil and not sand, and hearts made from another color besides red. Though, red is my favorite color, a color of passion, it does not hold every feeling the heart possesses. I ask you, if the heart is red and blue, than what color is it in our chests as it beats. What is the color that rushes through our veins and fills our lips with lust and our fingertips with movement and creation? Not two of the most well distributed colors on earth. No, it is the color we have not found yet on a random insect to be found in 100 years by a scientist on an island someplace.  Whenever the colors were being created, I believe we received almost all of the ones we needed.  Though there is one to represent one emotion we haven’t found yet. Maybe never will.

This World While Beautiful, Needs a New Color