Saturday, August 18, 2012

We Need A New Color

We Need a New Color
Written By: Baylee Rae Mann

Color shows the intensity on
her face we find in her eyes
(Photograher Unknown)
An imagination is one of rapid and increasing possibilities. An artist’s imagination is never satisfied. I, an artist have an imagination never satisfied and often bored by color. Not due to the fact that it lacks impact, I love color though with the right lines you can create a picture with intense color with nothing but a stroke of black India ink. Color with shape, shape with emotion, emotion then art. Some artist use color to show their emotion while others use strokes to bring to life and object whether living of still. Though, we all know just how easy it commences a body to be alive yet immobile.
There are only so many colors to choose from. While they are a wide variety they seem lonely. We have been using the same basic colors for over 1,000 years and though we reinterpret them and add hues of yellow or green to change their intensities we overuse them. You are able to view a color and tell exactly what era it was produced in. A mint green on a car is associated with the 50’s. The hue matches the time. Though, I find I have run out of colors to be amazed of. “All you need is love.” “All this world needs is a little love.” Well, I am of full conviction that this entire world, though beautiful, could use new primary color.
The lines convey
the mood without
needing to show us detailes.
(Unknown Artist)

Just think what we could do with it? Ok, did you think about it for a while? Alright so here is what is so immaculate about another primary color. (1)It’s primary. This means that at least 3 new colours could be made with it and hues more than we can count of each of those.(2) clothing. Fashion designers would go completely insane with new ideas and color pallets to work from. Each color has a mood or aroma to it. You base this off of your design or vice versa. A new color with a new mood could allow for anything we can think of for another 1,000 years with nothing to bore us. Perhaps style wouldn’t be recycled as much if this were so. Sort of like the moment they discovered we could wear the colors on a parrot instead of only the ones on the sheep we just sheered.(3) my most favorite thing in the world would be able to convey new ideas and feeling just as clothing designers fetched their ideas from this color. To be able to feel on paper that one emotion you just couldn’t write or show on paper in any form useful. A new color is a new highway of expression.

Black and white is so popular
becuase it forces the veiwer to
focus on the emotion of
the subject and not
be distracted b
the emotion of the color.
(Photogrpher Unknown)
Contour lines provide movement
and sow vibrations of feeling.
(Photographer Unknown)
This world needs a new color. A breath of whipping air, feet dipped in soil and not sand, and hearts made from another color besides red. Though, red is my favorite color, a color of passion, it does not hold every feeling the heart possesses. I ask you, if the heart is red and blue, than what color is it in our chests as it beats. What is the color that rushes through our veins and fills our lips with lust and our fingertips with movement and creation? Not two of the most well distributed colors on earth. No, it is the color we have not found yet on a random insect to be found in 100 years by a scientist on an island someplace. Whenever the colors were being created, I believe we received almost all of the ones we needed. Though there is one to represent one emotion we haven’t found yet. Maybe never will.

This World While Beautiful, Needs a New Color

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